Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Online Shopping

I've recently begun a comparison shopping spree online to replace all the items I couldn't bring with me, and to avoid the trouble of carrying bulky items back to the dorm myself. I've been proud of myself for finding some pretty good deals.

I spent most of today comparison shopping for something else entirely -- genes. I've never purchased lab materials for myself before, so I relished the chance to find the best product for the best price. It's interesting, because while buying a computer means you get a computer (no one sells half-made computers), genes are a bit trickier. Do I want to pay more and have my target shipped individually, ready to go? Or do I not mind the rest of the genome floating around and amplify and clone my targets myself? There's even custom designing, where I could pick exactly what I want and how I want it (for an exorbitant price tag of course). I finally decided, well, it's a summer project, I could use some experience and the challenge, and settled on the
cheapest option. Just mail me all the cDNA, no little kits or bacteria please, I'll sort and transform and clone it out myself. Besides, the perks are that in addition to the genes I need, I'll get to keep the rest to play with later. Buying computers isn't like that either. I can't PCR them up and get bunches more.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

if you do figure out how to PCR a computer, please send me one ^.^